Penulis : Dr. Citra Aryandari, M.A. dkk.
Tahun terbit: 2025
Stock: –
Harga: Rp.
The proceedings of the International Djogja Earthsound Festival (IDEF) 2024 present various research and discussions focused on the relationship between music, culture, and the environment. With the theme “Rhythms of Resilience,” this festival showcases the contributions of ethnomusicology in understanding how the sounds of nature influence the structures and compositions of traditional music in Indonesia. Various papers presented, such as studies on Dikir Barat in Kelantan, Malaysia, and the use of liturgical gamelan in the Catholic community in Yogyakarta, illustrate how musical traditions can adapt and endure amidst social and environmental changes. Additionally, research on Akhoykoy from the Sentani community in Papua highlights the importance of local values in maintaining the balance between humans and nature. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines ethnomusicology, sound ecology, and anthropology, these proceedings aim to strengthen awareness of the importance of preserving cultural and environmental heritage and encourage collaboration between the arts community and conservation efforts. Thus, IDEF 2024 serves as a platform for artistic performances and a call to listen to and celebrate the diverse sounds that shape our cultural identity.